Audhi Aprilliant
Audhi Aprilliant Data Scientist. Tech Writer. Statistics, Data Analytics, and Computer Science Enthusiast

Statistical Workshop at IPB University, April 2021

Statistical Workshop at IPB University, April 2021


On 18th April 2021, I had the honor of being invited as a facilitator at a biochemistry department workshop, Education and Training (EDTA). The main topic of the workshop was the implementation of Statistics in biochemistry research, primarily for the final research in the undergraduate program. The workshop was conducted by Dr. Waras Nurcholis, S.Si., M.Si, a well-known Biochemistry Lecturer who spoke extensively about the fundamental theory of statistical analysis and RStudio.

The workshop had 50 participants, mostly in their third year and preparing their topic for the final research. As requested, I delivered four main topics using RStudio, focusing on the best-practice implementation in the real world. The four topics I covered were: Introduction to RStudio, Explanatory data analysis, Analysis of variance (ANOVA), and Post-hoc Test Tuckey.

During the workshop, I provided a comprehensive understanding of RStudio to the participants, including the installation process and how to load and manipulate data. The Explanatory data analysis topic was also covered in detail, where I explained how to summarize and visualize data in RStudio. The participants also learned how to perform ANOVA, a common statistical test used to determine the difference between group means, and how to interpret the results. Lastly, I taught them how to perform a Post-hoc Test Tuckey to understand pairwise differences between means after conducting ANOVA.

Overall, the workshop was a great success, and the participants were able to gain valuable insights and practical knowledge about implementing Statistics in biochemistry research using RStudio.

Module for self-learning

To facilitate the self-learning process, I have developed a module in Bahasa Indonesia. This decision was made based on the workshop’s duration and the specific topics that were covered. The module aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter and assist participants in furthering their knowledge independently.

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