Audhi Aprilliant
Audhi Aprilliant Data Scientist. Tech Writer. Statistics, Data Analytics, and Computer Science Enthusiast

Data Science Learning Studio (DSLS) 2022

Data Science Learning Studio (DSLS) 2022

The Data Science Learning Studio (DSLS) 2022 program, developed by the Indonesian Data Science Community, serves as an ideal space for fresh graduates and professionals to enhance their hard skills for professional work. The program’s main theme for 2022 is “Data Literacy for Better Policy,” with the goal of equipping fresh graduates and professionals in the public sector, including government agencies and NGOs, with the necessary skills to implement data science in resolving problems in the public sector of Indonesia.

DSLS offers a comprehensive learning experience, enabling participants to engage in discussions and exchange ideas about data science materials, daily homework, and their experiences in professional work. As a facilitator, it is essential to ensure that the participants receive accurate and timely answers and solutions, from technical to theoretical overviews. The program provides access to Stack Overflow as a discussion space, which allows participants to interact with one another and with the facilitators.

This program provides a unique opportunity for participants to expand their knowledge and skills in data science and to network with other professionals in the field. The DSLS program enables fresh graduates and professionals to improve their hard skills, making them highly competitive in the job market. Moreover, it provides an ideal platform for participants to develop their soft skills, including communication, problem-solving, and critical thinking.

As a facilitator, I found the use of Stack Overflow as a discussion platform to be highly effective. While I had primarily used it as a space to find solutions to coding problems, I found it to be an excellent platform for engaging in discussions and sharing insights. With the support of Stack Overflow, participants can easily engage with the program and receive timely responses to their questions, helping them to succeed in their learning journey. Overall, the DSLS program is a valuable resource for fresh graduates and professionals seeking to advance their knowledge and expertise in data science, and I highly recommend it to all who seek to take advantage of this unique learning opportunity.

Data Science Learning Studio

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